Sunday, September 09, 2007

The Happiest Little Parish Around

Good evening, Toads and Toadettes,

Recently, someone accused the Toad of going light on Roman Catholics while being too critical of Tanglicans (that would be Traditional Anglicans-the Toad coined it-steal it, pally, and there'll be more hot "suits" on you than on Paris Hilton's defense team). Just to prove that he's an equal opportunity offender, the Toad went swimming in the backwaters of the Roman Church.

Okay, okay-we didn't have to go very far to find just the right parish for the Toad and some of you Tanglican(tm) gin swillers. You just gotta' click on the website for St. Andrew’s Catholic Church in Channelview, Texas—it has the hippest church website music on the net. Lounge lizard meets the Sacraments. Maybe it's just Texas.
G'wan. Share it with your friends! You know you want to.

Look at the whole site-particularly the little display for confessions—put the pointer over it but don’t click. The script will unfold. And, best of all, they have an Alaskan cruise—7 Days of pampering, fun and faith Ship: Carnival Spirit. “CRUISE PRICE INCLUDES-CABIN, UNLIMITED AMOUNT OF FOOD-24 HOURS A DAY FOR 7 DAYS.” Forget that Holy Land pilgrimage, we are going to the seafood buffet and the floorshow. It's a heck of a lot better than tossing away the greenbacks for a fake seminary degree.

Can you say motu proprio? Rawk, rawk, rawk!*
Yr. Obed. Serv.,

R. "Crusin' Catholic" Toad, DD-VS (Very Specious)
*The Sound of One Toad Barking

1 comment:

Jacobite said...


I'm laughing so hard I am crying!

That cocktail napkin under "Confession" was a keeper, but they neglected to hang a neon martini sign above the entrance. If the "manager" is not too busy watching Barnaby Jones reruns in his office, he might want to do something about that.