Monday, February 11, 2008

But Where Are the Pancakes?
"We're playing to our authenticity ... We're building from the ground up, and we're transmitting to the world something that nobody else can recreate."
-Anyonymous, About Zydeco at the Grammys

Good morning, Toads and Toadettes,

Your truly, Dr. Roy Aldous Toad, has been taking a little time off of late. However, some things just really goad the Toad, and even winter hibernation (ok, snocking a few on the poop deck of the S.S. Toad in sunnier climes) can't keep him from jacking up a fraud. In this case, it is a fraudulent "Zydeco Mass" perpetrated guessed it...the Episcopal Church.

Here's how they did it at St. Paul's Cathedral in San Diego:

Just a little rum and sacrilege for Shrove Tuesday. The knave...oops...nave altar is the least of their worries. Puts a new spin on the giving of the peace, eh, bunky? Rawk, rawk, rawk!

Yr. Obed. Serv.,

Roy Aldous "Zydeco" Toad, DD-VS (Very Specious), LSMFT, D.Phil. (Carolina Coast University); B.A. (summa cum laude)(Southern States University)
*The Sound of One Toad Barking


Fr. Robert Hart said...

What's the idea? Half way through this video my pet maggot threw up. I had to clean it up.

Anonymous said...



* sound of one organist choking

Anonymous said...

I watched 30 sec. I suddenly felt the apple that I had recently swallowed wishing to up chuck. I hit the backspace.

The Rev'd W E Bauer (EMC)

Anonymous said...

You know, filth like that almost makes TAC diploma mills issuing spurious "degrees" seem preferable. Let's weigh it--blasphemy? or fraud? Could we vote for "none of the above" instead?

Fr. Steve said...

That was just utterly horrible to watch. I made it through the whole thing, but I was thinking to myself... "have they lost their minds"? Of course, on youtube, there is an example of a clown mass done at a RC church too. What happened to being solemn?